Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I Did Not Shoot This Deer While Hunting Pheasants

OK! Vote this year - and vote conservative! The above pix came from my finding an already dead deer in the field in SD while bird hunting in 2004. All you can see is its head (with skin still on it), but its carcass was only a skeleton. Any way - For those of you who objected to my fox hunting pix - I will bring it back next week!


Audra said...

You crack me up. That deer picture is really just a cover story for you shooting something not "in season". Come on admit it.

New topic - did you know you can add that picture to this post and not to your header (get you mind of the gutter). Go into edit posts, then click on the square landscape icon that says add image - next to the spell check (3rd from the right). Then upload and add that image to this particular blog. Enjoy!

Greybear said...

Thanks, Audra. I will do it! Later, but I will do it - much better to make it not so obtuse in the Header (gutter girl)