Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dennis' Baptism & Confirmation @ St. John's Episcopal Church

Today was a special day. I have been attending the Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist in Elkhart, IN for about a year. I attended the Episcopal 101 classes for prep on confirmation this past fall and today I was baptized by Bishop Ed Little (in the pic with Willy and I). Willy stood for me to present me to the congregation and it was a great experience! We were blessed all of last year with an interim priest named Pastor Sally Weaver. She was a great spiritual healer of the parishioners and was the one who presided over the Commitment Ceremony for Willy and I last August. I've included a pic from the Pet Blessing that she performed on all of the Parish's pets this last fall. My long haired Chihuahua, Buffy was the first animal she blessed! Thanks to Pastor Sally, who is now back in St. Louis!


Audra said...

So, you love comments, but I am not sure what to say.

Congrats! I am glad you are happy.

Dog blessing? (sorry, I had to. You left it wide open.)

Audra said...

So I am here, at your blog and nothing has changed since I was here on March 2nd. What is the big fuss about?

Greybear said...

Me - thats what....

Audra said...

Hi Dad! I love you! You are the greatest. Have a wonderful day.

(I wish you were here to help me out!)

LB said...
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LB said...

Everyday at work I check out Audra's, Chrissy's and your blog but yours is the only one without new content!