I love to golf. Do you? It is a deep, cold winter here in Northern Indiana. We have had 59 days of snow on the ground and temps below 20 degrees Fahrenheit for the same two months. It just warmed up this past week to almost 60 and we felt like we had died and gone to heaven.
It made me feel even more the need to get out and hit that little white ball. I am almost tired of playing Wii Golf. My best game there on their 9 holes is -5 - but I want to work on my real game.
Okay - now my morality question from Golf! Have you ever hit a ball and hit a vehicle driving by the course. I have... it happened in Pittsburgh on a golf outing sponsored by our company's bank - Mellon Bank. I was assigned to a foursome - I gratefully didn't know the other players. We were playing at Fox Chapel Country Club and from the tee, I hit a strong hook off to the left, over some other golfers and through the trees that bordered the beautiful course and into the street running along it. I yelled, "Fore!" - but my heart sank when we heard something hit metal and a vehicle squeal to a stop. The trees blocked our view and there were other golfers to our left who also where having trouble keeping their balls in the fairway (do you hear my excuse coming?).
As we were playing behind the foursome to our left, we soon saw a woman come out of the trees several hundred yards to our left yelling, "Who hit my SUV with a golf ball?" She was quite upset and was yelling for some time. Everyone in our foursome looked at me and I hung my head in shameful guilt - but I said - nothing! This was one of the most cowardly acts I've committed - but we didn't know for sure it was my ball and she did not have the ball in hand which hit her car - so I kept silent and played thru. Two members of our foursome were attorneys, and for the remainder of our play I had to listen to them go on about how admitting to the deed with no positive proof of whose ball it was, etc. would be legally inappropriate. I'm not sure which was worse, my guilt of non-confession or having to listen to those two make excuses for me. So what is the worst public thing you have ever done? I dare you to share... ha, ha, ha!