Nobama has been elected and many of us who are middle-aged wonder what will become of us with his closet socialism / Islam beliefs. Whether you agree with that sentiment or not, I think it can be honestly said that we don't know anything concrete about this man or the ghosts that drive him. He is the first 21st Century President Elect to have truly used the internet, texting, etc. to its fullest advantage. But I am concerned that too many, who know nothing about the man, his core values, or his real vision for America; have drunk the Kool-Aid (if you are too young and don't get that - go back and google the Reverend Jim Jones and the mass suicides in Guiana) of Nobama and been seduced by his speaking abilities. Redistribution of wealth is a basic tenet of Marxism.
The best example I've heard of in regard to how stupid and counterproductive redistribution of wealth is was garnered from a radio talk host out of Fort Wayne, IN. The man told the story of how he had a great little lunch at a local diner before the election. He noticed that his waiter had on a T-shirt that had a large Vote Obama! imprint on it. At the end of lunch he called the waiter over and said, "The meal was great and your service was impeccable! However, I notice that you are an Obama supporter by your T-shirt! So, I'm going to honor him and YOU by participating in his brand of redistribution of wealth. Lunch was under $10, and I am going to pay you a $3 tip; however, I am NOT going to give you the tip. I'm going to take it outside and give it to the homeless man I saw just down the street!" The waiter mumbled some incoherent, but angry objections and walked away. The talk show host then walked the $3 outside and handed it to the "bum" on the street and told him that he needed to thank the waiter for his great service and his support of income redistribution. The "bum" nodded his thanks and shuffled off to the liquor store. No thanks from the "bum" ever reached the waiter.
What do you think? Give me your opinion in a response...